
Heading Tags – Note the size and color differences.

This is an <h1> statement.

This is an <H2> statement.

This is an <H3> statement.

This is an <H4> statement

This is an <H5> statement
This is an <H6> statement

Regular Text differences.

This is normal text

This is Bold text

This is Italic text

This is Underline text

This is Address formatting
This is PreFormatted formatting

This is a standard hyperlink text.

Buttons and links

// Buttons

// Fancy links
[download_link link="#"]Your Link Text Here[/download_link]
[email_link email="[email protected]"]Your Link Text Here[/email_link]
[fancy_link link="#"]Your Link Text Here[/fancy_link]
Fancy Boxes

[titled_box title="your title"]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Nunc vehicula placerat. Nuna fames ac turpis egestas...

[titled_box variation="red" title="your title"]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Nunc vehicula placerat. Nuna fames ac turpis egestas...

Fancy Lists
Arrow List;
[fancy_list style=”arrow_list”]

  • Item #1
  • Item #2


Comment List
[fancy_list style=”comment_list”]

  • Item #1
  • Item #2

Mini Bullet List
[fancy_list style=”bullet_list”]

  • Item #1
  • Item #2

Circle Arrow List
[fancy_list style=”circle_arrow”]

  • Item #1
  • Item #2



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